Dear Friend,

One day, deep inside the rabbit-hole of Facebook, the crush of digital connectedness finally caught up with us. A brief moment of reflection helped us appreciate the fine job our US Postal Service has been doing for a hundred years, keeping people connected with a minimum of annoying marketing and invasive evil-mongering. So we decided to launch our own social network: It's called the Letter Writing Club. We meet on the 'teenth Sunday afternoon, once every month, at Decade Coffee shop and spend two hours hand-writing those letters/thank you notes you never get around to finishing. USPS: A social network even your grandmother can love.

Rules of Letter Writing Club:

1. BYOP/P (paper & pen), but Wonder Fair will bring a selection of stationery for you to buy and use if you wish.
2. BYOS (stamps), but Wonder Fair will bring stamps for you to buy at face value if you need them.
3. DNBYOC (do not bring your own computer); no screens allowed. Please note that Decade does not encourage the use of perpetual-dose wifi, affording you the rare opportunity to unplug completely from your social networks so that you can invest your time in hand-writing a nice (or mean, whatever) letter.
4. BYOT (typewriter), but sometimes we'll have some available to borrow or buy.

Options for members of Letter Writing Club:

1. Stamp trades! Those of a philatelic persuasion may wish to bring and trade postage stamps. Go for it! 

2. LWC official stamp: the LWC has an official seal, which we've made into a stamp so that all members can have the satisfaction of stamping their completed letters before putting them in the official LWC post box.

3. Sealed letters left in the LWC post box at the conclusion of a meeting will be mailed by LWC organizers on Monday; you seriously can't mess this up. Letters will be sent. Social niceties and feelings of accomplishment will be observed.


Join Letter Writing Club:

@Decade Coffee Shop, 920 Delaware Street, Lawrence, KS 66044


Upcoming MEETING Dates:

None at this time